Monday, June 25, 2007

long time, no post......

How time flies!! We're halfway to Christmas already (my son's birthday is today, which is why that halfway mark come to mind so quickly)!!!

A few updates on my business ventures:

* I did not win the SABEX new product category - I did, however, attend the gala (& had a minor stroke when the winner was about to be announced......even though I was quite sure I wouldn't win) & had a lovely evening. For that category, the winner was Tiny Eye Technologies, a company that has created an online speech therapy service.

* My ice cream business is humming along..........hard to believe the season is halfway over now! I really am enjoying being able to offer such a wonderul, locally-made product from Homestead Ice Cream. The response to the ice cream has been extremely positive :)

* The Saturday Farmer's Market continues to be overwhelmingly successful. The first Saturday, I, along with most other vendors, were basically sold out of product within about an hour and a half. Each subsequent Saturday has been equally's a wonderful atmosphere. If you have not yet had a chance to take it in for yourself, do so! :) If you're wanting freshly-baked scones from yours truly, best to show up before 9! I am trying to meet the demand more by selling trays of frozen scone dough - all ready to be popped in to your oven at home!

* I am now attending the Thursday Farmer's Market, as well. The hours for the weekday markets are 10 am to 5 pm.

* An article about my business is in the current issue of Enterprise Magazine (formerly Small Business Magazine), a national publication out of Ontario - written by Felechia Brodie, a local freelance writer. Very exciting! I will hopefully post an electronic copy shortly.

That's about all the major updates for now :) (minor update, my youngest, who turned 3 today, is officially potty-trained, which means we are officially done with diapers - yippee!)

Michelle Zimmer
Wild Serendipity Foods

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