We had a celebrity chef in our midst at the Farmer's Market this morning......of course I had to make sure I got a picure in! He was in Saskatoon for the Top of the hops
I gave him a jar of my new Raspberry Honey Mustard and a bottle of my Sweet Agony Mango Coconut Hot Sauce.........hope he gets a chance to try it out :) He was being toured around the market by Chef Dan Walker of Weczeria and Chef Rusty Penno of Boffin's.
The Saturday market has been increasingly booming............my scones keep disappearing fast & furious. May have to add yet another oven to my collection!
If you weren't aware, there is now a new Sunday market (same location), hours are 11 to 3. Not all vendors are present, but the Market is still open, & a little more relaxed than Saturday. I have staffed my booth for this market, so that means I actually get to be a customer on Sundays!
Michelle Zimmer
Wild Serendipity Foods